Tuesday 20 September 2022

Values of Star Wars Collectables

So, What's your Star Wars stuff worth? What would you want for it? Gimme a ball-park to work in.

When I first started posting to this website I was just doing it for me. For posterity. I've got loads more to add when I get the time, but I wanted to keep it ticking over and wanted to add some relevance to anyone stumbling across the site.

So, I decided to start adding some comments on about item values. Now, I want to state, values can subjective. Ultimately, something is worth what someone wants to pay for it. We can get an idea of a rough ball-park value by monitoring eBay, auction sites, collector sites and various books on the subject. I've tried to do this when mentioning cost. But sometimes, there is little to go on, so a gut-feel "what I might consider selling it for" value may be mentioned. 

There are so many factors to take in to account, such as condition, scarcity, where you're selling, who is in the market for the item, trends, births/deaths/marriages, the economy, new Disney Star Wars properties, and just pure good/bad timing. Personally, if I sell on eBay I prefer to go for a "minimum I'd be okay with" with price rather than risk a 99p disaster sale. That's just me.

I'm no expert, so don't take it as gospel. Just another Star Wars collector, like you.

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