If you think you've seen it before, well you may have. This cap made an appearance on this blogs' first post back in 2012, but I decided it needed its own post. Afterall, I think it is quite a rare artefact. In Star Wars terms you may call it vintage.
If you google for Star Wars red cap or red hat amongst a bunch of irrelevant stuff you will find this picture from this blog. After a bit of searching I still haven't found anyone else with one. Okay, my brother might still have his, but I've not seen anyone on the internet with one.
So, a little about the hat. I think I got it around the time of the original Star Wars release, way back in 1977, though it's possible it might've been the following year. I'm not sure where it was bought from either. It's most likely that it was bought "up north" as we lived in Middlesbrough at the time, all relatives were in Hull and any vacations were taken up north too (including places like The Lake District, Blackpool, Bridlington, Scarborough, Filey Brigg and Redcar.)
I'm pretty sure it wasn't authentic Lucasfilm merchandise - Would George approve of the little flying saucers?!😄
It might've fitted me 40 years ago, but now it's just another Star Wars collectable sitting in a box. I did ask my kids to model it for me but they refused!
I have more Star Wars caps so I will post them on here soon in a separate post. I think this cap deserves a blog post all to itself.
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